ISSW 1984: October 24 - 27 Aspen, Colorado
1984 Proceedings (Papers now hosted on-line at Montana State University)
Chair: M. (Pete) Martinelli
335 participants; 35 papers; 6 countries

Although not listed as a Chair, Greg Mace was one of the driving forces bringing ISSW 1984 to Aspen.
Speakers were encouraged to focus their presentations on practical or operational applications. Discussions following the papers succeeded in expanding the topics and introduced site-specific applications and considerations. Among the topics presented were avalanche frequency and occurrence, beacons and rescue, stability and forecasting, and the French Avalanche Education Program.
12+ posters were presented. A large evening gathering was held at the Jerome Hotel to increase the opportunities for discussion. The field trip was to Aspen Highlands Ski Area.
Andre Roch was the banquet speaker.